This one was taken Christmas morning. Daddy and Oogie curled up on the couch while mommy cleaned up wrapping paper off the floor. Olive was very happy with her "haul" from Santa. Barbies, Ponies and Polly Pockets oh my!!

She also got the chance to learn to skate this last winter. She needed a helmet of course, so here she is, in her "princess" outfit and helmet. I laughed every time I saw her in it.

And now onto knitting. Unfortunately, I haven't been as diligent as I should have in taking pics, but here's a few I've done lately. Angel wings (my own design), the spiderweb shawl, the flower basket shawl and the Zetor Scarf (I've added beads to this one.)

The Angel Shawl I designed can be found on my Ravelry Store or you can write me if you don't have a Ravelry Account. I am selling this pattern for $4.00. (I'm trying to save up my pennies for a spinning wheel.)

It's a beautiful shawl and easily made bigger. I love it, the pattern is very simple and easy to memorize. I have kids, so this is a boon to me. :D