Yarn: Sport weight
Needles: #3 set of 5 dpn
Gauge: 6 sts =1" in St st.
Materials: 2 D rings, tapestry needle
C.O. 8 sts evenly onto 4 dpn needles.
Round 1: Knit
Round 2: Knit in Front and Back of each stitch. (K in f & b) (8 st increase, 16 sts)
Round 3: Knit
Round 4: *K1, k in f & b of next st. Repeat from * to end (24 sts)
Round 5: Knit
Round 6: *K2, K in f & b of next st. Repeat from * to end. (32 sts)
Round 7: Knit
Round 8: *K3, k in f & b of next st. Repeat from * to end (40 sts)
Round 9: Knit
Round 10: *K4, k in f & b of next st. Repeat from * to end. (48 sts)
Round 11: Knit
Round12: *K5, K in f & b of next st. Repeat from * to end (56 sts)
Round 13: Knit
Round 14: *K6, K in f & b of next st. Repeat from * to end. (64 sts)
Round 15: Knit

The body is worked in the "Pattern Body" of the graph below. This creates the swirl pattern. Work in the pattern body until piece measures 3'' (Not including bottom of bag).
#1) P2, K2 to end
#2) K1, *P2, K2 to last stitch, K1
#3) *K2, P2, to last stitch
#4) P1, *K2, P2 to last stitch, P1
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern.
Then work a P2, K2 ribbing for 3 rounds.
To do this. knit the knit sts and purl the purl sts of the last round,as in chart.
B.O. and weave in ends.

C.O. 8 sts. Leave about a 10" string on the C.O. end.
Knit in garter st. until piece measures 8".
B.O. Leaving another 10" string at the B.O. end.
Using the strings at both ends, sew the strap to the curved edge of the D ring. Using another piece of string sew the flat edge of the D ring to the body of the yarn holder. To do this properly, lay the piece flat and use a stitch marker or safety pin to mark each side.

Viola! You are done!
Oh, I really (really, really) like that pattern - sure will knit it!
This looks like a really useful pattern...
Thanks Sandra and Mar! I'm glad you both like it! Believe me, with little kids running around who love to grab yarn, this is VERY useful! :D
That is brilliant! I love it.
Awesome! Not only is is useful, it's really cute! I love the swirly design. I will definitely be making one.
Thats SO cute!
So cute!
OOOH! So cleaver thing! I must do this. Thank you so much.
This is an awesome pattern! I'm nearly finished with mine, although I modified it (I bound off all stitched but 16 (8 across from each other) and I plan to work each half of the strap and graft the sides together. I didn't have D-rings and I'm too lazy to go out and buy some).
what a brilliant idea. thanks for sharing it!
That is darling! Thank you for sharing your pattern :)
I love this little bag. I can't wait to make one. thank you for sharing!
just found this cute pattern, it's going in my ravelry queue! Thanks
I really like the bag. It will come in handy when I have to take public transit. I wonder about how much yarn did you use? I just want to make sure I have enough.
Miss Emily
I simply love the idea of a lovely yarn bag. Thanks for the pattern.
I am wondering if there is any substiture for dpn needles. Will a circular needle help?
Please help
Ohh this is great! I'm knitting this tonight!
I love the pattern but looks hard. Is it? I am not a very good knitter, so if anyone can help simplify it further it would be great.
waoooo... its really very nice. its so beautiful thanks for sharing this with us.
Cotton Yarn
Love this. I always tuck a ball of yarn between my elbow and my side while I'm standing and knitting. Of course, my husband thinks I'm a nut for walking around and knitting in the first place, but oh well. :)
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