Needles: #5
Yarn: Sport weight
Gauge: 6sts = 1"
Dimensions: 3" X 3"
C.O. 20 stitch.
Knit in pattern until swatch measures 3".
(Sounds easy? Well, it is. :) )
Below here are the charts I used for the block.

(This red and pink chart is actually a repeat of 3 blocks on the chart. Two red blocks and one pink block, then repeated. I wanted to give you a good idea of what the block looks like after it's been knitted a little. )

This triangle is 12 stitches wide. When knitting this swatch, knit 4 rows in green and then begin the triangle row. Knit 4 stitches of green and begin triangle pattern.

This is a very simple, easy and straight forward pattern. You're only making 6 different color swatches and sewing them together in a block. With the bright contrasting colors, babies LOVE them since it adds to visual stimulation and all around good fun.

That is adorable! Both the block and the baby... :)
Thanks or the all pictures.
Hope to visit me!
Hi, I was googling baby block patterns and I found you. I just wanted to say thank you. I'm making blocks as centerpieces for a friend's baby shower and these are perfect. I know you posted this a long time ago, but I wanted you to know that I really appreciate it. They're great.
I love it! I was looking for a baby pattern for my dad'sa friend's newborn. (I'm a kid knitter) I've decided to do this for the newborn!
These are great. I'm making some for Christmas presents. All my friends seem to have babies this year! I might try to spell out their names on them. Thanks!
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