Needles: #3 straight
Yarn: Palette Cream, Purple, and Grass (I use this because it's versatile and MANY people can afford it.)
Gauge: Doesn't really matter, but for the record you'll want to use a smaller size yarn & needles for key chain, larger yarn & needles for bigger projects.
Other Materials: Hammer, needle nose pliers, exacto knife, jump rings, eyelets, eyelet tools, and key chain hook, cutting board
Using straight needles C.O. 11 sts in main color and begin chart.

Now here's what I did to turn them into key chains.
Weave in all the loose ends.

Felt them by hand. I fill a sink full of hot water (as hot as I can stand) and submerge them into the water. I also use some hand soap (bar form, laundry soap works well too) and soap them up a bit and then rub them vigorously between my hands. I constantly submerge them rinses them as I do this. I change the water about 4 times through out the process until I get the size I want. Then I roll them up in a towel and squish out the excess water. These dry VERY quickly. (Which is another cool aspect of this project.)

I get my handy dandy tools together.

...and cut a VERY small hole in the top of each piece. Just large enough to get the eyelets through. If you don't cut a hole, you'll REALLY regret it since it won't create a hole on it's own. I made this mistake once and couldn't get the eyelets apart to correct the mistake.

Read the instructions on the eyelet tool box in order to put in the eyelet. It's a bit confusing if you don't...*cough* believe me.

Put in jump rings and key chain hook. There you go...an awesome key chain. I took a piece of ribbon and tied it into a bow. Using the same color thread as the main color on the skull key chain, I tacked it onto the piece through the back of the bow. (Glue would work but if you're like me, things don't tend to stay as nice as you like them and thus you need things that are cool AND durable.)
Also, if you put in the eyelet and find out that your key chain skull is too big, that's fine. You can felt it again even if the eyelet is already in. Afterwards rehammer the eyelet to make it fit better.

WARNING: These are insanely addicting to make.
Those are awesome! I am going to have to make a couple of these!
So cool!!
So cute and cunning!
Love them plan on making dozens
These are so neat! Thanks for your pattern!
thanks for the pattern, they're awesome!
thanks for the pattern, they're awesome!
Woohoo! You are so awesome! I'm going to make some up and hook'em to my luggage!
Hey, I had a question about the chart, could you drop me an email, maybe? :] My email is erised3@aol.com.
(I'm a newbie to reading charts, and I really wanted to try this one, so.)
hello..I really love this design..I have a question though..
for it to be a keychain..u need it to look good on both the right and the wrong side..right?
so fair isle and intarsia wouldn't really make it look that perfect on the wrong side..i think..
so did u go with duplicates stitches or what??
thanks a lot!
These totally rock me... thanks for the pattern!
Neat. Although I dont like skulls, I love the concept. so I changed it to a smily face when I made mine. With the eyes and the smile...it makes ya smile cuz its almost funny. You really should charge for this pattern...you'd make a fortune.
You are so creative;)Darcy
These ARE awesome. Thanks for sharing. I need a patch to go on my knitting bag! Maybe I'll add crossed knitting needles on the bottom.
Uhm, I'm pretty new to knitting, and I really REALLY don't understand charts.
If it's not too much trouble, do you think you could write it out for me?
I'd really, really appreciate it! ^_^
My email is rchrgrl11391@gmail.com
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