Here's a nice close up. I LOVED working with this yarn. It worked up fast, it was very soft and actually very even through out. There were little slubs in it, but not many. Just enough to keep me humbled and remind me that it IS in fact handspun yarn.
I call this the hunter's hat. Boy oh boy is it warm. Done with 100% Merino, triple plied/Navajo plied and then tightly knit on #7 needles. If this doesn't prevent your ears from freezing, nothing short of cinching a couple of live rabbits to your head with your belt will. But, that really wouldn't be camouflage now would it?
Yes..see the very tired model below. Man, someone should tell that woman to try some makeup.
He was actually quite thrilled to get it. Which makes me happy. To me, a great gift is something that someone really likes but fills a need in the process. I get my practical side from my mother :D.
Although, I should admit. I worked this hat, halfway through the first time and had to frog it. Yep, I knitted a swatch, measured it wrong, and added too many stitches. So, I frogged it, and made this cute picture to glorify my humility. :D

Oh, and here's some yarn I got from knit picks. The Marine heather is for my husbands soon to be socks. The rest is for lace projects that I've been determined to make for myself. Shadow is $2.50 a skein, 100% merino, and really soft. It's a great bargin.