I LOVE knitting. I love working on something all the time. I'll knit in the car, in the waiting room, while cooking supper. I'm an avid knitter in public and I'm proud of it.
So...why couldn't I knit? Why did it just make me feel so lost and sad all of a sudden. Hence...confusion.
I did what any normal person would do in my predicament. I sat on the couch for a week and watched t.v. while feeling sorry for myself. I thought, *gasp*, maybe I didn't like knitting anymore. Nah! I was reading E.Z.'s knitting without tears book that moment, thinking I'd find the answer to my woes there. I mean..she has "WITHOUT tears" on the cover!!
Finally, last night it hit me. I know what cause my knitting blues. A week ago I stayed up late to finish a sock. I know...knitting while tired..not a good mix. I had a few rows and a B.O. on the toe, I HAD to finish it. It didn't matter that it was ticking close to midnight. It didn't matter that I was doped up on Chamomile tea. I was that close..I'm going to persevere.
I thought I'd use the kitchener stitch this time versus doing a three needle bind off. Ah..that's where it all went wrong. It was going well and I scoffed at the whole, "You can't perform well when you're tired" thing I've heard from people. As I finished the weaving I started pulling it all together. And that's when I first noticed a problem..I kitchenered BACKWARDS! Now it looks like a giant purled edge and I'm thinking at this moment..I should have just done the three needle bind off. It would have been a giant ridge..but it would have looked better.
Then, I actually sewed through the yarn! I couldn't tighten it, so in the moment of my exhausted genius, I cut the yarn and tie a large knot in it! What was I thinking? The whole time, there's this voice of reason in my head.."leave it till the morning...fix it in the morning." Did I listen?? Nooooooo
Then, I put it on. You know that feeling you get when you finish a project? It's satisfaction and glee all in one, and you go from person to person saying.."Look at this! Look at what I made!!" Yeah, I didn't do that. I went.."Oh..my..needles...what did I do?" I took off the sock discreetly, put it on the shelf and haven't knit since. Well, I have tried..but I kept making mistakes.
Knowing that's where the source of my knitting blues is from, I'm a little happier. I can knit again and not feel sad about it. I'm a little shocked that a toe from a sock was enough to put me in a funk. I guess I just have to not worry about making mistakes. I mean..that's what it's all about right? Make your mistakes..and learn from them. Heh..would it be silly to say, I'm glad no one else noticed the toe on the sock??